‘HOMO DETRITUS’ SERIES – Talk by Maîté Abos


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The Plastic Odyssey Adventure: Tackling the Plastic Challenge

As part of the European Week for Waste Reduction.

In scarcely more than 60 years, plastic has invaded our lives. These days, we no longer know how to eat without plastic, farm the land without plastic, get dressed, live somewhere or entertain ourselves without plastic. More than a material, plastic seems to have become the only way we have of living in the world. “There’s no choice!” “No other option!” But is that really true? The young team at Plastic Odyssey have launched a three-year expedition around the world to solve a modern-day mystery: we’d all like a life without plastic waste, but can we imagine a life with no plastic at all? The team is sailing around the world on a hunt for alternatives to plastics and carefully studying the habits of past and present communities able to live without them.

By Maîté Abos, Director of the NGO Plastic Odyssey


Wednesday 22 November – 6:30pm

— Duration : 1.5 hours
Free, no booking required, subject to available seats
The Musée de la Romanité auditorium
Access via Ria de la République
