Exhibition structure
Your visit
Your exhibition visit will start with an introduction to Oliver Laric, his work and his general approach, displaying a selection of pieces completed over the last decade. A series of videos will show how his work has provided inspiration via some rather unusual channels. Musical clips, reports and advertisements have been produced by some unexpected exploration of his scans by other creators.
This space provides an overview of how the artist’s approach to ancient sculpture and reinterpretation have progressed over time using 3D prints produced especially for this exhibition. These include the statue of Hermanubis from the Vatican Museums and a reclining hermaphrodite reconstructed from a drawing held at the British Museum.
The second part of the display is dedicated to pieces produced especially for the Musée de la Romanité exhibition in Nîmes, using items from its own collection. Oliver Laric chose to focus on a set of stone statues and statuette fragments, which were lacking in structural integrity due to wear and tear over time. Partnering with the museum’s scientific teams, he came up with a number of different theories imagining how these statues would have originally looked.
While the bulk of the work displayed will be derived from the Musée de la Romanité, the artist has also expanded the remit of the exhibition by including other pieces held in different museums but still related to the Nîmes collection. Four representations of the “Child with dog” statue will be displayed together for the first time, including one from the permanent collection at the Musée de la Romanité as well as versions from Ravenna (Italy), Athens and Leiden (Netherlands).
In this space, Oliver Laric focuses on sculptural studies of human and animal forms, also touching on the theme of hybrid beings, such as Cupid, Neptune and Pan.
To help visitors to understand the creative process, a series of time-lapse videos illustrate the different steps involved in digital sculpture.

Bringing digital art and archaeology together, this exhibition gives the Musée de la Romanité the chance to highlight the appeal of Greco-Roman antiquity for today’s artists and enshrines the concept of a universal ancient heritage that is accessible to all.
The exhibition will be supported by guided visits, talks and an exhibition catalogue.