Temporary exhibitions archive

Building an Empire A virtual exploration of the Roman worlds (2019)

Batir un Empire - Exposition temporaire 2019 - Musée de la Romanité Nîmes

Extrait : An immersive voyage to the heart of archaeological sites, to discover the urban and architectural models of the Roman cities, that are so different and yet so similar… Thanks to the tremendous capabilities of new digital techniques, the exhibition “Building an Empire” invites visitors on a historic, immersive and sensory voyage, with spectacular demonstrations of the…

Pompeii, a forgotten story

Extrait : Find out about the Roman fleet’s incredible attempt to save the people of Pompeii. It is the year 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius began erupting and just a few hours later, the towns of Pompeii and Herculanum would be buried. From his naval base in Miseno, Pliny the Elder, a literary man and admiral of the Roman…

“The Roman emperor, a mortal among the gods” from the 13th May to 19th September 2021

Portrait of Emperor Augustus (27 BC-14 AD)

Extrait : This exhibition was created in partnership with the Musée du Louvre In ancient Rome, politics and religion go hand-in-hand and the Emperor is the chosen person to act as an intermediary between the people and the gods. As public spokesperson, he was responsible for making sure the religious rites devoted to maintaining “pax deorum” (peace of…

